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RISKS and Complications
Neuromodulator Treatment

( Botox / Nuceiva / Dysport)


While generally safe, it is important to understand that there is potential for adverse effects as a result of receiving neuromodulator treatments. 


It is normal to have redness, swelling, and discomfort for one day following your procedure.


Less commonly, other mild side effects could include flu like symptoms (a mild headache, nausea, fatigue). 


If the neuromodulator spreads beyond the intended muscles, it could cause drooping of one or both eye lids.


If you experience any of the following, these rare side effects require immediate medical attention: 




When to Say No to Botox

  • If you have an Allergy to Botox Prologues

  • Have ongoing facial infections

  • If you have a nerve or muscular disorder such as myasthenia gravis.

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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