AFTER Your Dermal Filler Treatment
Skin redness and swelling in the treatment area is common. This should resolve within a few days.​
Do not massage the treated areas.
Avoid applying heat to the treated area until any swelling or bruising have resolved.
Routine washing and showering is fine.
Avoid activities that cause facial flushing on the day of treatment including: consuming alcohol, exercising, and tanning.
Gently apply a cool compress or wrapped ice pack to the treated areas for 15 minutes every few hours as needed to reduce discomfort, swelling, or bruising up to a few days after treatment. If bruising occurs it typically resolves within 7–10 days.
If 2–4 weeks after treatment you feel that you require a touch-up, please book in.
It is normal to have redness, swelling, and discomfort for one day following your procedure.
If you experience any of the following, these rare side effects require immediate medical attention:
muscle weakness
difficulty speaking
Everyone is different! We describe the following as appropriate expectations:
Results will be immediately evident
Full effect evident at 1 - 3 days.
Duration is normally 6-12 months
depending on the product and location.